Developer Toolbox v5.0 CD:
Search Tool Operability IssuesSilicon Graphics, Inc.

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This document desribes the two methods available to conduct search queries on the Toolbox CD in v5.0 using the OasisIII client program in concert with the oksvr server program.

The two methods are based upon whether one is running an HTTP server or not. The document describing v5.0 HTML Operability and Limitations explains the HTML (client) and HTTP (server) issues relating to these two distinct environments in which v5.0 will operate. If you haven't read about this yet, you should before you proceed further with this one.

Again, there are two distinct environments within version 5.0 to describe here:

  1. If you are running an http server, and
  2. If you are not running an http server

  1. If you are running an http server, and have re-configured the server so it knows about the location of the /toolbox/www/cgi-bin scripts directory and files, then you will be able to access any of the Search links in the .html files scattered throughout the toolbox tree.

    But before you can do this you must install the oasisIII inst image. The inst files for this lives in toolbox/searchtools/dist. A listing of the subsystem sizes and all files loaded is included as well. The five subsytems, man.oasisIII, man.relnotes, sw.client, sw.server--are those the janitor recommends you load. At a very minimum, you must load the complete oasisIII.sw image.

    Once you have installed the oasisIII software, you must ensure the script /etc/init.d/okserver is correctly configured to run the server, /usr/sbin/oksvr, every time the machine boots up, or, if the root user executes:

    To stop the okserver root user executes:

    and to prevent it from being started everytime the system boots up, as root run:

    And finally, you must ensure that both the /etc/init.d/okserver and www/cgi-bin/osearch-cgi scripts are correctly configured to reference the actual location of the "searchtools" directory (currently located in the top-of-tree). There are two distinct configurations that can occur here:

    1. Linking /CDROM to /Your/DocumentRoot/toolbox. This means you are dedicating a CDROM drive to housing the v5.0 Toolbox CD.

      In this case, the /etc/init.d/okserver and the www/cgi-bin/osearch-cgi script are all set to go.

    2. Copying /CDROM to /Your/DocumentRoot/toolbox. This means are dedicating 380+MB of local disk space needed house the Toolbox on your local system disk(s).

      In this case, you will need to change the value of the OKSVR_ROOT environment variable in /etc/init.d/okserver, and create a file in /usr/tmp/.DT_OksvrRoot that replicates the value of OKSVR_ROOT. Quoting from the top of /etc/init.d/okserver,

    #       This is the oksvr /etc/init.d/okserver startup script for
    #       The Developer Toolbox, version 5.0 CD, released, March 1995.
    #       The key to running this script correctly is to always ensure
    #       that the
    #            OKSVR_ROOT
    #       shell variable is defined to point to the absolute path location
    #       where the "searchtools" directory exists.  By default this
    #       location is defined to be  "/CDROM/searchtools".  If one is
    #       running an HTTP server and wants to create a child directory
    #       of the HTTP server's Document Root to place the contents of
    #       this toolbox in, the OKSVR_ROOT variable will need to be
    #       redefined to properly point to the new "active" location of
    #       "searchtools".  For example, suppose the HTTP server's
    #       Document Root is "/usr/local/www", and a directory under this
    #       named "toolbox" is created to house the contents of the v5.0
    #       CD.  Then, the default OKSVR_ROOT definition would change from,
    #            OKSVR_ROOT=/CDROM/searchtools
    #       to now be,
    #            OKSVR_ROOT=/usr/local/www/toolbox/searchtools
    # Make sure the value of the $OksvrSearchRoot variable inside the
    # /usr/tmp/.DT_OksvrRoot file, specified below, is equivalent
    # to what the OKSVR_ROOT variable is defined to be inside the
    # /etc/init.d/okserver script.
    # For example, if /etc/init.d/okserver has defined:
    # OKSVR_ROOT=/usr/local/www/toolbox/searchtools
    # then the /usr/tmp/.DT_OksvrRoot file should consist of the
    # following (starting from and including the `$' (dollar) sign:
    #    $OksvrSearchRoot="/usr/local/www/toolbox/searchtools" ;
    if (-f "/usr/tmp/.DT_OksvrRoot") {
        eval (`cat "/usr/tmp/.DT_OksvrRoot"`) ;
    else {
        $OksvrSearchRoot="/CDROM/searchtools" ;

Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.